Tips & Trends

Headed to Blackbaud's bbCon? Here are 10 Awesome Things to Do in Nashville

Blackbaud’s bbCon, premier tech gathering for social good, is less than two months away. To quote our friends at Blackbaud, we’re ready to hit a high note in Music City! We’ve assembled a top-notch list of sights, eats, and adventures to help guide the bbCon crowd through the city. From cultural landmarks, outdoor spaces, to local favorites for food and drink, we’ve got you covered on every front.

4 Ways AI is the Next Big Game-Changer in Museum Membership & Attendance

At Cuseum we’re stoked to keep on doing amazing things with Blackbaud. We’re so excited about our latest piece on their npENGAGE blog, which explores AI in museum membership and attendance.

Using Push Notifications to Drive Membership Renewals

Email marketing messaging has long been the backbone of marketing strategy for businesses and nonprofits alike. But today, is this the most effective way to build loyalty and retain customers and members? Increasingly, the world is turning to a different method to communicate with their constituents: push notifications.

Harnessing the Power of the Mobile Wallet: 3 Reasons Why Museums & Attractions are Switching to Digital Membership

We’re so excited to feature our collaboration with Taylor Studios, where we dive deep into the transformative power of digital membership cards. Check out our latest post on their blog:

The Benefits of Having a Digitally Savvy Board – for Museums & Nonprofits Too!

This year, Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Center for Information Systems Research released a study that showed just how much companies in the commercial sector benefit from having a tech-savvy board. In fact, companies with digitally literate board members significantly outperformed their peers on key metrics:

5 Ways 5G Could Impact Museums

Every day, another major news headline comes out citing the transformative power of 5G. According to the World Economic Forum, “we’re on the verge of a new age of interconnectedness” that will change the world in profound ways. This isn’t just an incremental improvement to existing 4G network technology, it’s an entirely new mobile infrastructure. Now, after years of speculation about the potentials of 5G, it’s finally here.

Five Ways That Digital Membership Cards Can Improve Your Membership Program

We’re so excited to be partnering with Neon One, one of the premiere nonprofit CRMs. Digital membership cards can integrate with your CRM and offer a better way to engage with your audience. Check out our latest post on their blog!

What’s the Return on Investment for Digital Membership Cards? Find Out Now with our New ROI Calculator

Running a membership program comes with a lot of moving parts and responsibility. With traditional membership cards you may be spending more time, money, and effort than you think. Between the printing of paper or plastic cards, postage, staff labor, never-ending membership mailings, and lapsed members, just how high is your membership expenditure and how does that accumulate over time?

6 Strategies for Getting Creative with Your Mobile Tour App Content

Whether you’ve gotten your mobile tour app up and running, or are brainstorming about new ways to create tour content that will be compelling to your visitors, there are various, creative ways to approach content creation – or maybe you’re still considering whether an app is the right move for your museum and are eager to know what sorts of possibilities it holds. We’re here to offer you inspiration by shedding light on the many smart strategies the organizations we work with have used to create tours. We’ll illuminate 6 ways your museum can innovate the tour experience, better showcase your organization, and cater to diverse audiences.

Small But Mighty: How Small Museums are Achieving Big Success in Digital

Technology is a powerful storytelling vessel, and museums large and small are jumping aboard the tech-wave to communicate their stories and educational content. But, there is a common misconception that innovative digital solutions are exclusively reserved for the big and mighty – that is, organizations willing and able to invest tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars into the development and implementation of, say, a new app, or digital experience. We’re here to debunk this myth. Here, we’ll highlight just how museums with tight budgets and small staffs have worked with Cuseum to develop sustainable, creative, digital solutions to drive visitor engagement as well as cut costs, save time with their membership programs.

Going Beyond the Traditional Tour: 5 Ways Museums Can Deliver Creative Experiences

So, you’ve taken the plunge, ditched the clunky audio guide or printed handout, and gone digital – now your members can tour your museum with an easy-to-use Cuseum-powered app. But now you’re wondering, “what more can we do with it?” We’ve got the answers. Here are 5 ways you can get creative with your app to drive visitor engagement and enhance the museum-going experience.

3 Most Common Strategies for Launching Your Digital Membership Program

Back in 2017, Cuseum introduced digital membership cards to help organizations and their membership departments succeed in the digital age. They’re more affordable, more convenient, and more accessible than traditional membership cards — what’s not to love? Since then, we’ve worked with organizations with 100s of members to 100,000+ members to develop optimal digital membership solutions for them and their constituents.

In the Spirit of Earth Day, Here’s How Zoos & Aquariums Can Go Green with Digital Membership Cards

Zoos and aquariums attract 181 million visitors annually, and members make up a large portion of those visitors. At the same time, physical membership cards continue to be a huge source of paper and plastic waste. As membership remains a key source of revenue for zoos, it’s important that it stays an attractive option to the environmentally-conscious demographic of zoo visitors. By helping you roll out a digital membership program, Cuseum can assure that you will continue to attract new members, as well as hold onto your current ones.

Museopreneur: How Museums are Leaping into New Business Models with Entrepreneurial Spirit

mu·se·o·pre·neur | myüzē-äp(r)ə-ˈnər

Noun: one who embraces or assumes characteristics of an entrepreneur to advance their museum’s business model and general operations.

9 Places to Visit in Boston during the MuseWeb Conference!

Headed to Boston for the MuseWeb / Museums and the Web conference? As proud Bostonians, we at Cuseum have a few local recommendations to highlight the best our city has to offer!  We’ve divvied up our list into a 3 classics, 3 places near the conference center, and 3 spots that are off-the-beaten path. Check them out!

Headed to AMMC? Here are 8 Awesome Things to do in Pittsburgh

As we countdown the weeks leading to the American Museum Membership Conference, we’ve assembled our list of a few top picks, eats, and sights in Pittsburgh! In order to bridge every possible interest, in the “city of bridges”, we’ve put together a fun list of local food, museums and cultural institutions that you won’t be able to find anywhere else!

It’s 2019, is Pokémon Go Still Relevant?

Back in July of 2016, Pokémon GO launched in the United States and became an overnight sensation. The augmented reality app, available on iOS and Android, gained nearly 21 million US users within the first two weeks of its launch and about 147 million users today making it one of the most popular apps ever.

Museums at the Crossroads: the Role of Corporate Partnerships

Our very own CEO, Brendan Ciecko, was tapped for insights for the report, Museums at the Crossroads: the Role of Corporate Partnerships, published by international PR group Grayling.

Top Technology Trends for 2019: What it means for Museums & Nonprofits

Technology is rapidly evolving the operations of museums and nonprofits. Now more than ever organizations must keep abreast of the technologies irrevocably changing the way they interact with visitors and administer services. Gartner, the global research and advisory firm, recently predicted the 2019 trends that will accelerate technological progress in years to come. This post examines which trends track with advancements in the museum and nonprofit sectors, providing a prescient glimpse into what the future may hold.

The Impact of TripAdvisor & Yelp on Cultural Attractions

Word travels fast. And, in our modern, connected world, this is more apparent than ever. With the popularization of websites such as TripAdvisor and Yelp, online reviews have become a way for consumers to share their thoughts on places and businesses and to make sure they have the best experiences possible. These review websites can be just as valuable for museums and cultural attractions as they are for restaurants and hotels.

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