AI is reshaping museum storytelling, making exhibits interactive and more immersive than ever, while also shaping the way for improved curatorial practices and membership engagement. Want to see how? Dive into the full article!
Top Technology Trends in 2023 – And What They Mean for Museums & Cultural Organizations
Top Technology Trends in 2022 – And What They Mean for Museums & Cultural Organizations
Top Technology Trends in 2022 – And What They Mean for Alumni Relations
Top Technology Trends in 2022 – And What They Mean for Associations & Membership Organizations
4 Ways Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Landscape of Alumni Relations
In the world of alumni engagement, AI has enormous potential that we’re only beginning to tap into. From saving staff time, generating fresh insights, personalizing content at scale, to enabling more intelligent fundraising, alumni relations had much to gain from considering the potential applications of AI:
Introducing AI-powered Multilingual Translations
More than ever before, museums and cultural attractions are working to improve accessibility and ensure audiences of all backgrounds feel welcome and able to visit. As organizations strive to implement new accessibility measures, a chief concern is developing experiences and content that are available in multiple languages. In response to this growing need for multilingual audio content, the Cuseum team is happy to announce an exciting new feature for our Mobile Engagement Platform: AI-powered Language Translation.
Introducing AI-powered Text-to-Speech for Audio Guides
Today, we’re happy to announce the unveiling of an exciting new Mobile Engagement feature: AI-powered Text-to-Speech. Aimed at enabling our mobile app customers to effortlessly serve their visitors better and faster, the launch of AI-powered Text-to-Speech means that all text-based app content can be instantly converted to a state-of-the-art audio format. In other words, even when no audio has been recorded and uploaded, audio content can be made available auto-magically, making every app a true audio guide.
Let’s learn more!
Top Technology Trends for 2020: What it Means for Museums and Nonprofits
Technology is becoming increasingly essential to the operations of museums and nonprofits. From making things more efficient behind the scenes to improving the customer experience, new and long-standing technologies are transforming the way organizations operate and delight visitors. Each year, we look forward to reviewing the predictions published by major research firms and leading technologists. Gartner, a leading global research and advisory firm, recently put out their latest predictions for trends that will accelerate technological progress in years to come.
3 Things You Need to Know About AI-Powered “Deep Fakes” in Art & Culture
In the past year, the term “deepfake” has entered into news headlines and the realm of popular culture. If you’ve run into articles like “Deepfakes are getting better. Should we be worried?” and “Internet Companies Prepare to Fight the ‘Deepfake’ Future” you might be feeling apprehensive or even wondering what, exactly, a deepfake is. In the era of fake news where content can spread through the internet like wildlife, this emerging technology is sparking new debates and driving new experiments.
How Data Can Help You Create a Vibrant & Sustainable Membership Program
The world is abuzz about “big data” and “data-driven” strategy. As defined by IBM, “Big data analytics is the use of advanced analytic techniques against very large, diverse data sets.” In the commercial sector big data has applications in everything from product development, customer experience, operational efficiency, to innovation. According to Intel, “big data analytics is a technology-enabled strategy for gaining richer, deeper, and more accurate insights into customers, partners, and the business.”
4 Technology Trends that Open New Doors for Provenance Research and Education
Provenance, or art’s history of ownership, is a growing area of discussion for museums across the world. As the Philadelphia Museum of Art so eloquently describes, “the provenance of an individual work of art sheds light on its historical, social, and economic context as well as its critical fortunes through time.”
4 Ways AI is the Next Big Game-Changer in Museum Membership & Attendance
At Cuseum we’re stoked to keep on doing amazing things with Blackbaud. We’re so excited about our latest piece on their npENGAGE blog, which explores AI in museum membership and attendance.
Top Technology Trends for 2019: What it means for Museums & Nonprofits
Technology is rapidly evolving the operations of museums and nonprofits. Now more than ever organizations must keep abreast of the technologies irrevocably changing the way they interact with visitors and administer services. Gartner, the global research and advisory firm, recently predicted the 2019 trends that will accelerate technological progress in years to come. This post examines which trends track with advancements in the museum and nonprofit sectors, providing a prescient glimpse into what the future may hold.
Cuseum CEO shares forecast on Artificial Intelligence in "Museum Practice”
Cuseum’s CEO was recently quoted in the Museum Practice article “Using AI to Understand Audiences.” Ciecko forecasts his view on how artificial intelligence will impact audience development and fundraising in the museum, nonprofit, and cultural sector.
Highlights from TrendsWatch 2017
The Center for the Future of Museums, the forecasting operation of American Alliance of Museums, has released their TrendsWatch for 2017. Every year, we look forward to this curated list of the most influential global movements. This annual list explores current social and technological trends and examines how they might play out for museums, while sharing examples of museums already embracing or addressing the topics.
6 Ways that Machine Vision can Help Museums
In my last post, we examined the topics of artificial intelligence and machine learning in museums. Today, I’d like to continue this thread and focus on machine vision. It couldn’t be more timely, as Google recently announced their public beta of Cloud Vision API and it has us all dreaming of interesting ways that machine vision can be used to help museums.