Yale University Art Gallery

5 Tips to Reduce Membership Turnover

Museums and cultural attractions spend a lot of time searching for creative and effective new ways to attract new members while retaining and engaging their existing constituents.

With everything that goes in to expanding your reach, sometimes it is easy to forget that keeping members in the long-term is just as important as getting new members to sign up (if not more)! Research shows that it costs five times as much to acquire a new member than to retain a current one. Additionally, over a five year period, the average total value of a renewed member was worth 35% more than that of the average total value of a newly acquired member. The numbers are clear: reducing membership turnover is well worth the investment.

Here are five ways to help reduce membership turnover at your organization!

6 Strategies for Getting Creative with Your Mobile Tour App Content

Whether you’ve gotten your mobile tour app up and running, or are brainstorming about new ways to create tour content that will be compelling to your visitors, there are various, creative ways to approach content creation – or maybe you’re still considering whether an app is the right move for your museum and are eager to know what sorts of possibilities it holds. We’re here to offer you inspiration by shedding light on the many smart strategies the organizations we work with have used to create tours. We’ll illuminate 6 ways your museum can innovate the tour experience, better showcase your organization, and cater to diverse audiences.

Going Beyond the Traditional Tour: 5 Ways Museums Can Deliver Creative Experiences

So, you’ve taken the plunge, ditched the clunky audio guide or printed handout, and gone digital – now your members can tour your museum with an easy-to-use Cuseum-powered app. But now you’re wondering, “what more can we do with it?” We’ve got the answers. Here are 5 ways you can get creative with your app to drive visitor engagement and enhance the museum-going experience.

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