
3 Things You Need to Know About AI-Powered “Deep Fakes” in Art & Culture

In the past year, the term “deepfake” has entered into news headlines and the realm of popular culture. If you’ve run into articles like “Deepfakes are getting better. Should we be worried?” and “Internet Companies Prepare to Fight the ‘Deepfake’ Future” you might be feeling apprehensive or even wondering what, exactly, a deepfake is. In the era of fake news where content can spread through the internet like wildlife, this emerging technology is sparking new debates and driving new experiments.

How Data Can Help You Create a Vibrant & Sustainable Membership Program

The world is abuzz about “big data” and “data-driven” strategy. As defined by IBM, “Big data analytics is the use of advanced analytic techniques against very large, diverse data sets.” In the commercial sector big data has applications in everything from product development, customer experience, operational efficiency, to innovation. According to Intel, “big data analytics is a technology-enabled strategy for gaining richer, deeper, and more accurate insights into customers, partners, and the business.”

3 Reasons Why Museums and Nonprofits Should Be Thinking About Cybersecurity

It’s October, and that doesn’t just mean Halloween – it’s also National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM). NCSAM is a joint effort between government and industry “to raise awareness about the importance of cybersecurity and to ensure that all Americans have the resources they need to be safer and more secure online.” 

Chattahoochee Nature Center is Going Green through Digital

We are so excited to announce that the Chattahoochee Nature Center has launched their new digital membership cards. 

4 Technology Trends that Open New Doors for Provenance Research and Education

Provenance, or art’s history of ownership, is a growing area of discussion for museums across the world. As the Philadelphia Museum of Art so eloquently describes, “the provenance of an individual work of art sheds light on its historical, social, and economic context as well as its critical fortunes through time.”

Headed to Blackbaud's bbCon? Here are 10 Awesome Things to Do in Nashville

Blackbaud’s bbCon, premier tech gathering for social good, is less than two months away. To quote our friends at Blackbaud, we’re ready to hit a high note in Music City! We’ve assembled a top-notch list of sights, eats, and adventures to help guide the bbCon crowd through the city. From cultural landmarks, outdoor spaces, to local favorites for food and drink, we’ve got you covered on every front.

Introducing a New Partnership: Cuseum & Neon One

Partnerships are the backbone of the museum and nonprofit world, and strong collaboration is vital to sustaining cultural space. From the relationships between organizations and their constituents, communities of volunteers, to partnerships between museums and brands, these networks are the lifeblood that keeps nonprofits thriving.

Why Every Museum Should Make Data Part of Its DNA

In the digital age, museums and nonprofits are constantly looking for new tools and approaches to improve the various pillars of their operation. From collections to marketing, education, fundraising, and all things in between, there is no denying how valuable technology and access to data has become.

5 Ways to Improve Your Museum & Nonprofit Membership Process

Uncovering ways to boost membership is vital for museums and non-profit organizations. In order to survive, grow, and thrive, as well as continue to fulfill its mission, your organization needs to find innovative ways to attract new members and retain existing ones. Here are five trends to keep your eyes on!

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