How Data Can Help You Create a Vibrant & Sustainable Membership Program

The world is abuzz about “big data” and “data-driven” strategy. As defined by IBM, “Big data analytics is the use of advanced analytic techniques against very large, diverse data sets.” In the commercial sector big data has applications in everything from product development, customer experience, operational efficiency, to innovation. According to Intel, “big data analytics is a technology-enabled strategy for gaining richer, deeper, and more accurate insights into customers, partners, and the business.”

Five Ways That Digital Membership Cards Can Improve Your Membership Program

We’re so excited to be partnering with Neon One, one of the premiere nonprofit CRMs. Digital membership cards can integrate with your CRM and offer a better way to engage with your audience. Check out our latest post on their blog!

Integrating Salesforce and your Digital Membership Cards

Chances are that your organization may use a customer relationship management (CRM) system as the “digital backbone” of your membership operations. The world has come a long way since paper records, rolodexes, and ledgers, and the modern CRM has made it easier to store, organize, and work effectively with your growing community of members.

Integrating Digital Membership Cards with Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT

For most organizations, their CRM is the hub for all things related to membership. CRMs have come a long way from paper systems and now come in the form of robust software that allows organizations to connect countless insights across dozens of channels to understand what makes members unique. In that transition from paper to digital, organizations have saved time, money, and a whole lot of hassle.

Why Every Museum Should Make Data Part of Its DNA

In the digital age, museums and nonprofits are constantly looking for new tools and approaches to improve the various pillars of their operation. From collections to marketing, education, fundraising, and all things in between, there is no denying how valuable technology and access to data has become.

5 Ways to Improve Your Museum & Nonprofit Membership Process

Uncovering ways to boost membership is vital for museums and non-profit organizations. In order to survive, grow, and thrive, as well as continue to fulfill its mission, your organization needs to find innovative ways to attract new members and retain existing ones. Here are five trends to keep your eyes on!

Cuseum CEO shares forecast on Artificial Intelligence in "Museum Practice”

Cuseum’s CEO was recently quoted in the Museum Practice article “Using AI to Understand Audiences.” Ciecko forecasts his view on how artificial intelligence will impact audience development and fundraising in the museum, nonprofit, and cultural sector.

Museums that act like startups: An Interview with Douglas Hegley

This week we’re kicking off a series called “Museums that act like startups.” Museums are helping lead the way in figuring out how we can all benefit from technological innovations and in this series we’ll speak with museum professionals whose inspiring work is changing the way we experience art. 

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