push notifications

Introducing SMS Marketing / Text Messaging by Cuseum

Despite the growing need to engage constituents with more effective digital channels, institutions remain heavily reliant on email and snail mail. While these continue to be necessary pieces of an omnichannel approach, in 2022, they no longer yield the same results as they once did. Indeed, in our mobile-first world, channels like push notifications and text messaging are quickly supplanting email as the most effective way to reach consumers.

In response to the growing demand and interest in mobile methods of communication, Cuseum is thrilled to launch a new SMS Marketing & Text Messaging Software solution.

Reaching your Members with On-Demand Push Notifications

In today’s world, consumers are regularly bombarded with emails, mass communications, and advertisements. As of 2021, over 85% of emails are spam! With email open and click-through rates dwindling, it’s never been more important to expand and diversify the ways you connect with your members.

In recent years, many exciting new avenues have opened up that enable modernized, targeted, and real-time communication with your constituents - most prominently, the push notification. As you work to overcome the limitations of email as your primary mode of communication, push notifications can be key to sending personalized, relevant information to your members that they’ll open and engage with.

Let’s jump in!

5 Tips to Reduce Membership Turnover

Museums and cultural attractions spend a lot of time searching for creative and effective new ways to attract new members while retaining and engaging their existing constituents.

With everything that goes in to expanding your reach, sometimes it is easy to forget that keeping members in the long-term is just as important as getting new members to sign up (if not more)! Research shows that it costs five times as much to acquire a new member than to retain a current one. Additionally, over a five year period, the average total value of a renewed member was worth 35% more than that of the average total value of a newly acquired member. The numbers are clear: reducing membership turnover is well worth the investment.

Here are five ways to help reduce membership turnover at your organization!

Using Push Notifications to Drive Membership Renewals

Email marketing messaging has long been the backbone of marketing strategy for businesses and nonprofits alike. But today, is this the most effective way to build loyalty and retain customers and members? Increasingly, the world is turning to a different method to communicate with their constituents: push notifications.

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