How Push Notifications Transformed Membership Communication + Boosted Engagement & Revenue

“Push Notifications are an effective tool for member communication and enhance engagement for members and visitors”

Improved Membership Interaction & Impactful Guest Passes

“It streamlined the process, saved a lot of time, and especially in this new world where a lot of people don’t even go into the office, it’s incredibly convenient”

Digital Membership Cards & Seamless CRM Integration

“I’m very happy with my Cuseum experience. It makes my workload lighter, saves us money, and reduces the amount of plastic waste that we put in our coastal environment”

Creating Innovative Member Experiences with Digital Membership

Constantly bringing new ideas to an institution makes long-time members pleased to see that [Morikami] never stops trying to bring them the best services possible.

Boosting Convenience, Speed, and Efficiency with Digital Membership

Members can now get their card the same day if needed. I have also been able to focus on other aspects of my job instead of just data cleanup and card fulfillment.”

Save money and the Planet with Digital Membership

“[Cheekwood] modernized its membership program by integrating digital membership cards, saving $50k per year in operating costs and reducing the amount of plastic going into the environment.”

Boosting Engagement & Saving Time and Money WITH Digital Alumni Cards

“It’s refreshing to our students to be able to download their card on their iPhone or Android. We’re glad when our new graduates are able to say, ‘my alumni association is cutting-edge.’”

Seizing Opportunities & Tackling COVID Challenges WITH Digital Alumni Cards

“Working with Cuseum allowed us to still get our membership cards out digitally throughout the pandemic.”

Driving Engagement and Facilitating Access WITH Digital Alumni Cards

 “For our alumni, the convenience of a digital card is amazing. For us, the cost savings has been great. The additional reporting and engagement has been fantastic. Customer service has been great. We're very happy with the digital membership card product.”

Streamlining Membership Processes & Onboarding WITH Digital Membership Cards

“The amount of time this has freed up has been significant, which has allowed us to do more member engagement rather than membership admin. Members are able to get their cards much quicker because we are sending them out more regularly digitally, and we have saved loads of money in staff time, printing costs and postage.”

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