
What is the Value of a Visitor, Member, and Evangelist to Your Organization?

For museums and cultural attractions, bringing in and engaging visitors is a top priority. Especially in recent years, the “visitor journey” has been a major topic in discussion, inspiring many organizations to start “mapping the visitor journey” to provide a better experience for audiences.

Museopreneur: How Museums are Leaping into New Business Models with Entrepreneurial Spirit

mu·se·o·pre·neur | myüzē-äp(r)ə-ˈnər

Noun: one who embraces or assumes characteristics of an entrepreneur to advance their museum’s business model and general operations.

What Does Blackbaud’s 2017 Charitable Giving Report Show About Non-Profit Donation Trends?

2018 is definitely on a roll, but it can be fun to look back to 2017, especially after learning that last year was great for philanthropy! Blackbaud recently released their 2017 Charitable Giving Report, and the numbers don’t lie: non-profit donations increased in size and number! Overall, non-profit donations increased by over 4% compared to the previous year, but how do things break down in different categories?

Cuseum Takes Part in Nasdaq Opening Bell with Pledge 1%

Earlier this year, we announced that Cuseum had taken the pledge with Pledge 1%  with Pledge 1% Boston, and this week, our CEO & Founder, Brendan Ciecko, joined fellow Pledge 1% companies to ring the Nasdaq opening bell in New York City’s Times Square. 

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