Brendan Ciecko

Cuseum’s CEO & Founder Featured as 2020 Artnet Innovator

We’re so excited and honored to announce that Cuseum’s CEO & Founder, Brendan Ciecko, has been featured in the Artnet Intelligence Report’s Fall 2020 Innovators Issue, alongside 51 other talented and creative entrepreneurs, artists, dealers, and more! According to the Artnet, “at a time when the art industry is facing unprecedented challenges, we set out to identify the most forward-thinking people in the market today.”

4 Ways Museums Can Successfully Leverage Digital Content and Channels during Coronavirus (COVID-19)

In the age of coronavirus (COVID-19), museums are facing unprecedented difficulties and uncertainty. In the past weeks, three-quarters of museums have shut down, starting with behemoths like the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Museum of Fine Arts Boston, and the Smithsonian’s museums. While these indefinite closures are presenting challenges, museum professionals have acted rapidly and creatively to keep their audiences engaged remotely.

Museopreneur: How Museums are Leaping into New Business Models with Entrepreneurial Spirit

mu·se·o·pre·neur | myüzē-äp(r)ə-ˈnər

Noun: one who embraces or assumes characteristics of an entrepreneur to advance their museum’s business model and general operations.

Cuseum CEO Featured on State of the Art Podcast

Brendan Ciecko, Cuseum’s CEO & Founder, was recently interviewed on State of the Art podcast!

The episode, “The Future Art Museum,” delves into Brendan’s background in music, art, and technology, the inspiration behind Cuseum, and the present and future of museums, as well as how technology is changing and advancing how people interact with art and culture.

Cuseum Announces U.S. Patent for Location & Activity Aware Content Delivery System

Cuseum is pleased to announce the issuance of United States Patent No. 9,775,003 related to a method of delivering content based on activity and location. Cuseum continues to strengthen its position as a driver of innovation in the museum and nonprofit sectors.

In Conversation at MuseumNext: Startups & Accelerators in the Cultural Sector

If you couldn’t make it to MuseumNext 2017, don’t worry, we have the next best thing! Brendan Ciecko, Cuseum’s CEO & Founder spoke with Rick Turoczy, Co-Founder of Portland Incubator Experiment (PIE) in a session focusing on Startups & Accelerators in the Cultural Sector. Read on to relive the MuseumNext conversation, and learn how museums and cultural institutions could benefit from adopting startup mentalities!

Cuseum Receives U.S. Patent for Innovative Approach to Content Delivery

Cuseum announced today the issuance of United States Patent No. 9,723,440 related to a method of delivering content based on activity and location.

Since Cuseum’s founding, the company has been committed to helping its partners succeed with visitor and member engagement as well as driving digital innovation in the cultural and non-profit sector. The first product developed by Cuseum helps museums and public attractions leverage mobile technology to enhance the visitor experience.

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