Cuseum’s 2017 Year in Review

2017 has been a year of exciting ideas, innovation, and creation! As we approach the final days of the year, it’s nice to take a look back at some of our favorite moments and remember all that we’ve achieved while looking forward to where we’ll go from here. Thanks for being a part of this journey! Here are a few highlights from this past year:

The Royal Tyrrell Museum’s new app is a The-saurus of Information


The Royal Tyrrell Museum is now part of the dino-mite Cuseum network with the launch of their new mobile app! Protecting the rich fossil history of Alberta, the Royal Tyrrell Museum has one of the largest displays of dinosaurs in the world.

“The Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology's mandate is to be an internationally recognized public and scientific museum dedicated to the collection, preservation, presentation, and interpretation of palaeontological history, with special reference to Alberta's rich fossil heritage”

The new app offers a the-saurus of information and a roaring good time! With tour options within the galleries, multilingual offerings and accessibility information in the museum the app will evolve their visitor experience from the paleolithic. So reach for your phone, unless you are a T-Rex, next time you are at the Royal Tyrrell Museum!

The Royal Tyrell Museum mobile app is available to download for free through the App Store.

Interested in creating a mobile experience for your organization? Click here to schedule a free consultation with a Cuseum expert today!

How Do You Create An App For A Historical City From Start to Finish?

The Historic Charleston Foundation is no stranger to leveraging new technology to showcase Charleston’s vivid history: they have over 50k followers on Instagram! Last year, HCF began a new project with Museum Hack and Cuseum to design an app that further communicates the rich history and stories of this remarkable city.

Cuseum CEO Featured on State of the Art Podcast

Brendan Ciecko, Cuseum’s CEO & Founder, was recently interviewed on State of the Art podcast!

The episode, “The Future Art Museum,” delves into Brendan’s background in music, art, and technology, the inspiration behind Cuseum, and the present and future of museums, as well as how technology is changing and advancing how people interact with art and culture.

Cuseum Takes Part in Nasdaq Opening Bell with Pledge 1%

Earlier this year, we announced that Cuseum had taken the pledge with Pledge 1%  with Pledge 1% Boston, and this week, our CEO & Founder, Brendan Ciecko, joined fellow Pledge 1% companies to ring the Nasdaq opening bell in New York City’s Times Square. 

Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse and Museum Launches Digital Tour Experience Through Their New Mobile App

We are pleased to announce that Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse and Museum in Jupiter Florida has launched digital tours in their new app created in partnership with Cuseum!

Cuseum CEO to Speak at International Cultural Forum

We are pleased to announce that Cuseum’s CEO Brendan Ciecko will be speaking at the International Cultural Forum 2017! Held in St. Petersburg, Russia from November 16-18,  the International Cultural Forum brings together leaders in the cultural sector to discuss various facets of world cultural policy, production, and progress.

Cuseum Announces U.S. Patent for Location & Activity Aware Content Delivery System

Cuseum is pleased to announce the issuance of United States Patent No. 9,775,003 related to a method of delivering content based on activity and location. Cuseum continues to strengthen its position as a driver of innovation in the museum and nonprofit sectors.

In Conversation at MuseumNext: Startups & Accelerators in the Cultural Sector

If you couldn’t make it to MuseumNext 2017, don’t worry, we have the next best thing! Brendan Ciecko, Cuseum’s CEO & Founder spoke with Rick Turoczy, Co-Founder of Portland Incubator Experiment (PIE) in a session focusing on Startups & Accelerators in the Cultural Sector. Read on to relive the MuseumNext conversation, and learn how museums and cultural institutions could benefit from adopting startup mentalities!

Integrating Salesforce and your Digital Membership Cards

Chances are that your organization may use a customer relationship management (CRM) system as the “digital backbone” of your membership operations. The world has come a long way since paper records, rolodexes, and ledgers, and the modern CRM has made it easier to store, organize, and work effectively with your growing community of members.

Cuseum CEO to Speak at Communicating the Museum 2017

We’re thrilled to announce that Brendan Ciecko, Cuseum’s CEO & Founder, will be speaking at Communicating the Museum 2017! Held in Los Angeles from November 6-9, the conference will explore the idea of “Museums Beyond Walls.”

Cuseum Launches “Ink For The Arts” to Bolster Efforts to Save Arts Funding

Cuseum announced today, Ink For The Arts, a new initiative to unite people in the fight against the elimination of federal arts programs. The campaign comes in reaction to the on-going threats to cut funding for the arts, which would put the National Endowment for the Arts, National Endowment for the Humanities, and other programs at risk.

How Your Museum Can Benefit From Reciprocal Membership Programs

Increased access to museums for members and more revenue for your institution? Sign us up! Reciprocal associations are a win-win for both the cultural institution and their members, and they can offer your institution or organization an incredible variety of benefits. So if you still have some questions about reciprocal programs, we have answers!

Tips for Choosing a CRM for Your Museum or Organization

The private sector has long employed customer relationship management (CRM) software, but today, more and more, nonprofits, museums, and other organizations are recognizing the power of having a CRM. There are many options to look at when deciding which CRM to use as each solution employs a different focus, set of features, and cost to consider.

Integrating Digital Membership Cards with Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT

For most organizations, their CRM is the hub for all things related to membership. CRMs have come a long way from paper systems and now come in the form of robust software that allows organizations to connect countless insights across dozens of channels to understand what makes members unique. In that transition from paper to digital, organizations have saved time, money, and a whole lot of hassle.

Top 6 Benefits to Offer Your Members When Your Museum is Free

Free admission is frequently cited as the top benefit of museum membership. But, if your museum is free to all visitors, what other benefits can you offer to entice and acquire new members?

Clearwater Marine Aquarium Launches Digital Membership Cards

We are so pleased to add Clearwater Marine Aquarium to the Cuseum family with the launch of their digital Annual Passes! The Annual Pass is available to members at three levels and offers an incredible array of benefits, including unlimited admission within the year and discounts in the gift shop!

Cuseum Receives U.S. Patent for Innovative Approach to Content Delivery

Cuseum announced today the issuance of United States Patent No. 9,723,440 related to a method of delivering content based on activity and location.

Since Cuseum’s founding, the company has been committed to helping its partners succeed with visitor and member engagement as well as driving digital innovation in the cultural and non-profit sector. The first product developed by Cuseum helps museums and public attractions leverage mobile technology to enhance the visitor experience.

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