virtual reality

Top Technology Trends for 2020: What it Means for Museums and Nonprofits

Technology is becoming increasingly essential to the operations of museums and nonprofits. From making things more efficient behind the scenes to improving the customer experience, new and long-standing technologies are transforming the way organizations operate and delight visitors. Each year, we look forward to reviewing the predictions published by major research firms and leading technologists. Gartner, a leading global research and advisory firm, recently put out their latest predictions for trends that will accelerate technological progress in years to come

Cuseum Shares Insight “How To Tell History in Virtual Worlds” in AR & VR at the Museum Connections Conference in Paris

Cuseum’s founder Brendan Ciecko sat on a panel at the Museum Connections, the largest international museum conference taking place in France, entitled “How To Tell History in Virtual Worlds - Creating New Digital Physicalities.” The panel featured museum professionals from all over the world such as Guerric Poncet (Le Point, France), Rose Ginosar (Tower of David Museum, Israel), Menno Metselaar (Anne Frank House, Netherlands), and David Kolin (Centre des Monuments Nationaux, France).

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