
6 ways personalization can supercharge alumni engagement

Personalization is the backbone of modern marketing, and alumni engagement is no exception. Already, 80% of U.S. consumers are more likely to purchase from a brand that offers personalized experiences. But, in Cuseum’s November-December 2020 survey of over 150 alumni relations professionals, 77% believed that they need to offer more personalized engagement to their constituents.

That’s a big disconnect!

If you’re interested in getting the lowdown on alumni personalization, we’re here to help. Here, we’ll break down the what, the why, and the how of personalization – let’s dive in!

Top Technology Trends in 2022 – And What They Mean for Alumni Relations

As colleges and universities examine which technologies will propel them forward in the digital era, we are eager to contextualize Gartner’s 2022 predictions for alumni engagement. Read on to explore what 2022’s top technology trends could mean for alumni relations.

4 Ways Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Landscape of Alumni Relations

In the world of alumni engagement, AI has enormous potential that we’re only beginning to tap into. From saving staff time, generating fresh insights, personalizing content at scale, to enabling more intelligent fundraising, alumni relations had much to gain from considering the potential applications of AI:

Unpacking the Big Data Buzz: How Can We Leverage Data in Alumni Engagement?

With all the rumblings about “big data,” industry professionals understand the urgency to start making data-driven decisions, but may be unsure of the benefits, the potential challenges, and how to get started.

Here, we’ll break down the basics of data analytics, what technology you need to get started, top tips to become more data-driven in alumni relations, and the biggest challenges alumni relations professionals face when trying to leverage data. Let’s get into it!

5 Tips to Offer Valuable Alumni Benefits in the Twenty-First Century

Alumni relations has changed and it will continue to change. To survive and thrive into the future, alumni professionals must continuously reassess not only what benefits they offer, but how to improve access to these.

In light of this, let’s examine five tips to offer value to alumni today.

4 Important Alumni Relations Trends Every University Needs to Consider

In recent years, the models and structures that have historically guided alumni relations and alumni engagement have evolved significantly. In light of these changes, universities and alumni associations may be trying to understand what this new landscape looks like and seeking strategies to remain relevant. In order to keep up, alumni organizations need to recognize how conventional modes of engagement are shifting, anticipate changing constituent expectations, and determine how they fit into the new digital landscape. Looking to the present and future, here are four big trends in alumni relations:

How Colleges and Universities Turn to Digital to Enhance Alumni Engagement

More than ever before, ensuring alumni engagement and career success are top priorities for colleges and universities. Indeed, as higher education enrollments continue to fall and universities feel heightened pressure to bring in more revenue, active alumni networks not only help institutions of higher education cultivate a compelling brand, but also serve as a vital source of financial support for colleges. 

 According to the latest findings by Salesforce, “the advancement office is fundamental to institutional growth and development” at universities. Additionally, advancement and development staff rely heavily on the generosity and giving of alumni to achieve their fundraising goals and keep their institutions vibrant and afloat. 

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