Member Portal

Enhancing Efficiency and Boosting Satisfaction with a Self-Service Member Portal

In the digital age, membership teams at cultural organizations, associations, and institutions of higher education are spending far too many hours of the day on emails and phone calls - particularly to carry out laborious tasks like managing changes to members’ personal information, payment information, and more.

To solve this problem, Cuseum is excited to bring the benefits of customer self-service to the world of membership with Member Portal.

5 Ways Digital Can Help Associations Grow Their Membership

If you’re a membership professional at an association, you already know how challenging it is to drive sustainable membership growth.

With this in mind, it is vitally important for associations to start thinking creatively about more effective approaches to acquiring and retaining their members. While there are many ways to grow your association or society’s membership, in our increasingly connected world, innovative digital strategies can be particularly useful.

From launching an online referral program to spearheading a content marketing strategy and upping your social media game, here are five ways digital can help you grow your association’s membership:

6 Insights from the 2021 Membership Marketing Benchmarking Report You Don’t Want to Miss

For membership and association professionals, it has never been more important to stay on top of the latest developments and best practices in constituent engagement and marketing. But, when you’re short on time, staff, and budget, this can be an extra chore you don’t have the hours in the day for!

Here at Cuseum, we combed through the latest insights from MGI’s newly released 2021 Membership Marketing Benchmarking Report, and we are here to share some enlightening trends and numbers. In case you don’t have time to read the full report, here are six insights that you don’t want to miss.

Introducing Member Portal by Cuseum

In today’s day and age, serving members, providing modern conveniences, and offering valuable benefits have never been more important for membership organizations. Indeed, for museums, attractions, nonprofits, universities, and associations, there is heightened urgency to attract and retain members with new perks and incentives.

At the same time, organizations are facing many challenges and inefficiencies: membership professionals often devote significant time and resources towards updating database records, answering redundant questions, and helping members access their benefits. These inefficiencies can likewise diminish the member experience, as constituents struggle to update their own information, access their membership benefits, and enjoy a seamless experience.

In response to these challenges, Cuseum is thrilled to announce the latest innovation in membership: the Member Portal.

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