Due to the rapid spread of coronavirus and government recommendations for social distancing, three-quarters of museums across the United States have closed down temporarily. As a result of these closures, many cultural organizations face new levels of uncertainty and difficulty in navigating these unfamiliar waters. In particular, for visitor-serving organizations, not being able to bring visitors on-site produces a significant challenge: while being physically closed, how do museums continue to engage their would-be visitors?
This past Wednesday, over 3,200 members of the museum community came together with
Brendan Ciecko (CEO & Founder @ Cuseum) and special guests Susan Edwards (Associate Director, Digital Content @ Hammer Museum) and Koven Smith (Museum & Nonprofit Digital Strategy Consultant), to discuss steps cultural organizations can take to captivate, connect, and communicate with their remote “visitors” and audiences. These experts did a deep-dive into digital communication strategies, creatively leveraging social media channels, and establishing a community without a physical space to gather in.