#augmented reality

Cuseum Shares Insight “How To Tell History in Virtual Worlds” in AR & VR at the Museum Connections Conference in Paris

Cuseum’s founder Brendan Ciecko sat on a panel at the Museum Connections, the largest international museum conference taking place in France, entitled “How To Tell History in Virtual Worlds - Creating New Digital Physicalities.” The panel featured museum professionals from all over the world such as Guerric Poncet (Le Point, France), Rose Ginosar (Tower of David Museum, Israel), Menno Metselaar (Anne Frank House, Netherlands), and David Kolin (Centre des Monuments Nationaux, France).

Infographic: Results from Augmented Reality Museum Visitor Impact Survey

At Cuseum, we’re deeply interested in how new technology and approaches impact the multitude of ways museums and cultural attractions interact and engage with their visitors. Over the past few years, we’ve watched many changes redefine how organizations think about digital engagement and the general expectations and behaviors of their visitors.

Cuseum CEO Talks AR in Museums & the Cultural Sector at Augmented World Expo 2018

We are excited to announce that Cuseum’s CEO & Founder Brendan Ciecko will be speaking at Augmented World Expo 2018! Held in Santa Clara from May 30th-June 1st, the conference is the world’s #1 AR+VR conference and expo. AWE takes a look at how XR (AR, VR, and MR) can be utilized across all industries and how companies and organizations can avoid being left behind by this rapidly evolving technology.

Cuseum’s Head of Growth & Partnerships Talks AR at MIT Museum’s “The Hackable Museum”

Dan Sullivan, head of Growth & Partnerships at Cuseum, recently spoke at MIT Museum’s “Hacking the Museum,” which was part of the larger Cambridge Science Festival that took place from April 13-22. The event brought together leading minds from across industries to “talk about and demo museum APIs and collections databases with museum hackers” and to look at how technology like AR can be leveraged in the museum space.

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