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Introducing AI-powered Multilingual Translations

More than ever before, museums and cultural attractions are working to improve accessibility and ensure audiences of all backgrounds feel welcome and able to visit. As organizations strive to implement new accessibility measures, a chief concern is developing experiences and content that are available in multiple languages. In response to this growing need for multilingual audio content, the Cuseum team is happy to announce an exciting new feature for our Mobile Engagement Platform: AI-powered Language Translation. 

Starting today, all Cuseum-powered apps have the potential to unlock new audio experiences for visitors of all kinds. With this new offering, mobile app customers will be able to serve diverse audiences with an array of custom audio experiences, made possible by auto-magical translation capabilities.

Show all your visitors that they’re special

The vast majority of museum websites, wall labels, and mobile guides are only available in a single language, which is often English. Yet, many cultural organizations are also setting accessibility goals and seeking to serve more diverse audiences. That’s a big disconnect! With AI-powered Language Translation, museums and attractions can now be empowered to serve all visitors. In fact, cultural institutions will be able to quickly and easily generate translated text in languages that could not previously be supported, allowing your visitors to enjoy personalized museum experiences in their preferred language.

Supporting multiple languages doesn’t need to be hard

Historically, providing content in multiple languages has been challenging. After the initial language has been scripted, museums have been required to hire translation specialists and manage a lengthy translation process, which can be both expensive and time-intensive. This has also made it challenging to support multiple languages, which can be particularly costly.

Now, using industry-leading AI and natural language processing, organizations can instantly generate content in multiple languages. With Cuseum’s Multilingual Translation feature, all you need to do is click “Translate,” and within seconds you’ll receive a fully translated version of your primary text.

Moving towards a frictionless future

At Cuseum, it is our goal to make it easier than ever to engage your visitors. With this new feature, we look forward to making the process of serving diverse audiences simpler than ever, all through your mobile guide. Be on the lookout for even more feature announcements in the near future!

Looking to upgrade your Mobile Engagement App program with Multilingual Translation? Schedule a call with Cuseum’s Customer Success team. Or, if you’re looking to get started with a mobile app, schedule a demo here!

Further Reading
- Introducing AI-Powered Text-To-Speech For Audio Guides