Explore Andover With A New Mobile Walking Tour


Andover Historical Society has launched a new, mobile app with Cuseum!

Here’s the Official Announcement from the Andover Historical Society:

Today Andover Historical launched Virtual Andover, a new app that invites people to explore Andover’s many stories where they happened. The mobile guide to Andover’s stories is free and available for iPhone and Android devices through andoverhistorical.org/app.

“Virtual Andover is a pocket-sized, personal guide to the town’s history and stories, accessible anywhere and everywhere,” said Executive Director Elaine Clements, “It’s fun and interactive and full of surprising stories. It connects people to Andover through its stories…where they happened. Through Virtual Andover, you can explore the fun, off-beat, and unexpected stories that happened all around town.”

Downtown Main Street Andover and Off Main Street – East are the first tours on the app, with more under development. “As we finish a street or area, we upload the stories right to the app,” Clements said, “and add fun features like videos. Look for them on the Elm Street tour!” Future tours include Essex Street, Dundee Park, and the Historic Mill District. Events, maps, memberships, and more are also features of the app.

The app is designed to be used as a walking tour, complete with walking directions and maps that pinpoint where stories took place. “By launching Virtual Andover with Main Street stories, we’re hoping to encourage people to visit, explore, and linger in beautiful downtown Andover,” Clements said, “You can sit in a restaurant and explore stories that happened in that location years ago.”

The app was designed in collaboration with Cuseum, a Boston-based technology design firm that focuses on creating mobile apps and other digital experiences for cultural institutions. The first year of Virtual Andover was funded with thanks to a local donor and the Rotary Club of Andover. The app includes opportunities to donate and become a member, as well as business sponsorship opportunities.

Andover Historical Society’s new app is available for free on the App Store and at andoverhistorical.org/app.

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