Analytics dashboard on your digital membership program | Cuseum

Looking to Make the Most of Your Digital Membership Program? The Analytics Dashboard Can Help

make the most of your digital membership program

Across membership organizations like museums, cultural institutions, nonprofits, and associations, data has an increasingly important role to play in processes. In recent years, many have adopted cloud-based technology and Customer Relationship Management databases (CRMs) that allow them to collect and analyze data about their members, donors, and supporters. At major industry conferences like the American Museum Membership Conference, leveraging data-driven insights has been a hot topic in recent years. And, organizations are increasingly working to make data-driven decisions, develop goal-oriented key performance indicators (KPIs), and focus on actionable metrics.

Although organizations are making strides to become more data-driven, most recognize that they have a long way to go. In a November 2020 poll of over 150 membership professionals in the cultural and nonprofit space, over 89% of those surveyed either “strongly agreed” or “agreed” with the statement, “I’d like to use more data/analytics in our membership processes.”

For organizations who have launched Digital Membership initiatives with Cuseum, one of the easiest ways to make more data-driven decisions and to accelerate your transition to a more efficient membership program is to add on Cuseum’s Digital Membership Analytics Dashboard. From keeping you updated on your card adoption rates, giving you insight into different membership levels, and helping you understand the effectiveness of your own member communications, the analytics dashboard can help facilitate a smooth switch to digital!

Transitioning Your Membership Program into the Digital Age

membership program and how to use it at 100%

For most organizations, transitioning your membership program to digital doesn’t happen overnight. Many organizations opt for a phased transition, begin providing digital membership cards to a specific segment or membership level, or start by offering digital membership cards a supplement to the traditional paper or plastic cards.

However, as membership organizations face budget and staff cuts and grapple with limited time and resources, more and more are looking for strategies to make a fuller transition to digital membership cards. With most or all of your membership base using digital cards, membership card fulfillment can be more streamlined than ever before. 

Moreover, since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, consumer interest in mobile wallets and contactless technology has exploded. In 2020, there was a 68% increase in use of the mobile wallet among consumers, and 9 out of 10 plan to continue using this technology even after the pandemic. With the newfound comfort in mobile payments across demographics, it’s never been a better time to make a more complete transition to digital membership cards.

As you work to complete your digital transition, how do you keep track of your progress? To drive digital membership card adoption, there are a number or strategies you can try, from email and social media campaigns, ongoing newsletter promotion, special announcements at member events, and targeting certain membership levels. But how do you understand what’s working to drive digital membership card adoption? How do you know which membership levels to target?

Cuseum’s Analytics Dashboard can help!

Gaining Insights through Cuseum’s Analytics Dashboard 

Digital membership card analytics Dashboard

Cuseum’s Digital Membership Analytics Dashboard is a simple add-on to your existing digital membership content management system (CMS). With this feature, you can easily view information like your total number of members, cards generated, emails sent, and cards installed. What’s more, you can filter this information by specific time periods, and by specific membership levels.

With this information, you can be well on your way to making more data-driven decisions about your digital membership program. 

For example, perhaps you decided to re-promote your digital membership cards in conjunction with your member appreciation month. With the Analytics Dashboard in place, you’ll be able to clearly understand how many members installed their cards as a result of this campaign.

The Analytics Dashboard also allows you to do a health check on specific membership levels and provide support accordingly along your transition to digital. Facing a low adoption rate among your senior members? Now you can target this segment of your membership base with resources like an FAQ page or tutorial video to get your numbers up.

According to Mike Beagle, the Director of Alumni Relations at Southern Oregon University,  “Cuseum allows me to look at the total number of folks who have opted in to our alumni association. The Analytics Dashboard keeps me up to date, so when the VP of Finance asks me, ‘How are you doing on the alumni membership?’ I can look it up readily. The tracking aspect is pretty great.”

In other words, now is the time to start tracking!

If you’re looking to realize the full potential of your digital membership program and streamline your transition to digital, Cuseum’s Analytics Dashboard may be your next step!

Don’t hesitate to reach out to Cuseum Support to explore this option for your organization. Or, if you’re looking to get started with Digital Membership cards, give us a shout at !

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