Cuseum’s CEO & Founder Featured on Blooloop’s 2020 “50 Museum Influencers” List

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Cuseum’s CEO & Founder, Brendan Ciecko, was recently featured on Blooloop’s premiere “50 Museum Influencers” list, and we couldn’t be more proud. Blooloop’s 2020 list is designed to “shine a spotlight on 50 people whose innovation and creativity are helping museums through this uniquely challenging time.”

Since the escalation of the COVID-19 pandemic, museums have faced a unique set of obstacles. The pandemic has also been a forcing function, accelerating innovation and the adoption of new technologies in the cultural sector. Blooloop’s list is a celebration of those leaders “driving and enabling this change” in museums. We are honored to see Brendan featured alongside many talented and forward-thinking colleagues across the sector.

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