
CUSEUM has a direct integration with Salesforce

Does your organization use SalesForce for your membership CRM?

Here you can learn how your organization can integrate your CRM system with Cuseum's solutions.

If you have any questions along the way, don’t hesitate to reach out here.

What the Integration Offers:

  • Streamlined Data Sync: Sync member, donor, and visitor records between Cuseum and Salesforce CRM effortlessly.

  • Real-Time Updates: Keep your Salesforce data updated with real-time updates from Cuseum, ensuring a smooth flow of information.

  • Custom Field Mapping: Map critical fields like contact details, membership status, and other custom identifiers to ensure data accuracy across both platforms.

How the Integration Works:

  1. Granting Access to Salesforce:

    • Create a Cuseum Account: Ensure Cuseum has the necessary permissions to access your Salesforce instance.

    • Provide Required Access: Grant access to review member records, fields, and data structures, as well as configure the Salesforce security token.

  2. Setting Up the Connection:

    • Connected App Configuration: Cuseum will set up, configure, and test a new Connected App within your Salesforce instance using OAuth 2.0, ensuring secure data exchange.

  3. Mapping the Systems:

    • Field Mapping: Cuseum will map important fields like Contact ID, Membership Status, Alumni ID, and more to ensure seamless data synchronization between the two systems.

    • Custom Fields: Set up custom fields specific to your organization's needs, ensuring a perfect match between Salesforce and Cuseum data structures.

Our team will guide you through the setup process, ensuring a smooth and secure connection between Salesforce and Cuseum. Whether you need help with field mapping, we’ve got you covered.

Ready to explore how Cuseum's CRM integrations can revolutionize your visitor management and engagement strategies?

Our team is here to provide you with personalized insights and answer any questions you may have about our solutions.

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