Three Minutes with Zachariah Reiner, Product Lead

Today we’re excited to introduce you to our latest team member, Zachariah Reiner! As our Product Lead, Zach brings years of experience in business development and a background in startups and mobile.

Let’s chat with him for a few minutes:


Describe your role at Cuseum.

I’m a Product Manager: I ensure marketing, sales, and engineering are all in sync with what product is being built.

What’s your earliest museum memory?

Growing up in Upstate New York, my neighbor was the curator for the local museum in Elizabethtown. I used to love visiting the museum, which had a bunch of colonial and revolutionary war artifacts and pieces. It always held a special place because that area had such a huge impact on the forming of the foundations of the United States of America.

Favorite work of art?

The Fighting Temeraire by English artist J.M.W. Turner. It is a wonderful painting that is both beautiful and sad as a once cherished and feared ship is being tugged away to be scrapped. It hits on the inevitability of innovation and depreciation of all things in life, as well as evoking a level of nostalgia.


Image via The National Gallery

What’s your super power?

I believe my super power is my versatility in styles of teams and products I have lead and worked on. From a ‘Best Design’ winning iOS game, to a Music Discovery app that received hundreds of thousands of users with little to no marketing spend, to even a geofence management platform that could deploy a geofence on every restaurant in the USA in less than an hour.  Each built upon the last to provide me with experiences and a toolset that enables me to jump into new markets and continue to build beautiful products.

What do you enjoy most about working with Cuseum?

I find it hard to pick just one thing, but I would have to say I love connecting with our customers and truly learning what we can do to help them perform at their best! Museums and cultural institutions do so much for society from preserving history to providing a platform for artists and skilled people to be recognized for their gifts. I am honored to be a part of it!

Follow him on Twitter for more musings, to say “hi,” or chat about Scotch.  Welcome to the team, Zach!

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