The Florida Museum of Natural History Embraces a Fully Digital Membership Program

Florida Museum of Natural History

The Florida Museum of Natural History has launched its digital membership program and made the full switch away from physical cards.

The Florida Museum is committed to inspiring its members “to value the biological richness and cultural heritage of our diverse world” and has strengthened its commitment to environmental protection through its fully green membership initiative. The Florida Museum has further “greened” its membership program by allowing members to opt-in to receive digital-only communications. When members sign up for digital-only communications, they receive an extra month to their current membership!

We are stoked to support the Florida Museum of Natural History in their mission to promote biological richness and greater compassion for our environment by helping them roll out their 100% digital program.

Interested in learning how digital membership cards can benefit your organization? Schedule a free consultation with a Cuseum expert today!

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