6 Ways to Turn Up Donor Engagement with Digital Solutions

Young woman uses her phone to take a picture of a colorful exhibition

Did you know that individuals in the US donated a whopping $319 billion to nonprofits and charities in 2022? Yet, despite this impressive figure, donations to Arts, Culture, and Humanities fell by 4.7%. [Source: The 2023 Philanthropic Landscape, 12th Edition]

It's a tough pill to swallow, especially when these sectors thrive on the generosity of engaged donors. So, what's going on? Why the decline, particularly when the younger generation is poised to make a significant impact? It's simple: times are changing, and so are donor expectations.

So, how to adapt? How can cultural institutions turn up the dial on donor engagement and captivate this philanthropic force? Let's dive into five innovative digital solutions that can transform your approach and bring your mission to life. Ready? 

  1. Maximize Engagement Through Digital Memberships

The time to hand out physical membership cards has come to an end, allowing this convenient, cost-effective, and eco-friendly solution to do the job. Foster a sense of belonging and continuous support by keeping a continuous connection with your donors by pushing notifications and sharing news, events, and opportunities. Unlike traditional memberships, everything they need is right at their fingertips and happens in real-time.

Image with tablet in the middle that reads "supercharged benefits" and surrounding it there are other titles with corresponding images: New outreach channels, Drive more value, Save time and money, Increase renewals, and save the planet

Download these guides to dive deeper into Digital Memberships according to your specific industry and needs:

🏛️ Museums & Cultural Organizations
🎓 Universities & Alumni Associations
🤝 Associations & Societies

2. Foster Real-Time Connections with Mobile Interaction

Meet your donors where they are: on their phones. Get the most out of your Museum Apps by inviting them to make donations on the spot or, most importantly, harvest relevant data analytics about your visitors, which will later be useful when crafting a donor engagement plan.

Get this: Gen Zers and Millennials are donating more compared to Generation X and Boomers. As the younger generation's wealth and will to donate rise, every piece of data that can be gathered from their profiles, interactions, and visits through the App can help cultural institutions understand their preferences and motives and promote better ways of engaging them as donors.

Young man uses his phone to interact with an exhibition

3. Personalize Donor Outreach with SMS/Text Message Marketing

95% of SMS messages are opened within 3 minutes of delivery. They're quick, direct, and effective. The strategy is to make them personal. Personalize texts and build stronger, more meaningful relationships with donors so they feel directly connected to your cause. Don't worry. Cuseum supports the most popular CRM systems in the industry.

Here's another idea: micro-donations. Text your donors asking for small, manageable contributions, pairing them with impact stories about how their donations are making a difference in real life.

Young woman holds her phone, on the top left corner there's a message icon that read "Support access to art! donate $5 to help cover entry fees for people in need. your contribution makes a difference. Thank you!"

4. Centralize Donor Activities with Member Portals

A member portal can significantly enhance donor engagement and loyalty by serving as a centralized hub for all donor activities and interactions. An all-in-one platform to access their membership benefits, track their contributions, and access exclusive content.

Portals allow self-service for updating personal information, downloading tickets or complimentary guest passes, and automating reminders, payments, or renewals. Learn more about the future of Member Loyalty with our comprehensive Member Portal solution guide.

5. Boost New Relationships with Guest Pass Referrals

Your current donors are your best advocates. Guest pass referrals tap into the power of social influence and word-of-mouth promotion. They're a simple, cost-effective way to expand your audience and attract new visitors, meaning potential new members.

Additionally, if you want to jazz up your referral program, a contest can also create a fun, competitive atmosphere by offering exclusive rewards for top referrers: behind-the-scenes tours, meet-and-greet with artists or curators, or special access to archives.

6. Encourage Continued Support with Rewards Programs

Acknowledging and recognizing loyal donors leads to sustained long-term engagement and encourages permanent support. Loyalty and rewards programs offer a structured way to incentivize ongoing support, showing donors that their contributions are valued and rewarding them in exchange. Ideas range from in-person events (like a gala), redeemable benefits (like discounts), or digital content (like exclusive, members-only videos); however, they must be concordant with the segment the efforts are aimed at. Keep reading to learn more about how to focus your efforts and get the best results.

Screen section from a rewards program website, describin which actions can help you earn points ofr their personal accounts, and how that can boost donor engagement.

Bonus Track(s)

Donor Segmentation

Many cultural institutions are grappling with generational changes. Younger donors crave something more—a sense of belonging, a deeper connection, a way to be part of something bigger. The same old tactics don't sway Gen Z and Millennials. Instead, they're looking for resonance and support for the causes they believe in.

Tailor your strategies to generational traits to ensure each group feels valued and connected to your institution, promoting effective engagement, especially when leveraging digital platforms…

💥 Boomers: Prioritize personalized emails, detailed newsletters, or even snail mail, as they appreciate comprehensive information and traditional communication.

✖️ Gen X: Establish loyalty programs and exclusive access to tours and members-only events, as they respond well to tailored experiences in person.

🧢 Millennials: Offer social experiences -in person or virtual- to nurture their knowledge on specific topics and promote social-media pairing, as they value social proof and peer recommendations.

🤳 Gen Z: Create immersive experiences; integrate gamified elements and AR features in your platforms to capture their attention, as they are digital natives who thrive in highly virtualized environments.

Donor Engagement Cycle

Understanding the Donor Engagement cycle is the starting point of designing a structured approach to cultivating and maintaining donor relationships. Institutions can strategically attract new supporters, nurture existing ones, and foster long-term loyalty. This understanding helps in tailoring communication and engagement efforts to meet the specific needs and preferences of different donor segments. Check it out:

🔎Identifying and attracting potential donors through targeted outreach and compelling digital content.

✔️Qualifying the prospects by their interests, motivations, and other aspects to revise if they are the right fit.

🌱Nurturing this relationship via personalized communication and innovative experiences.

📩Soliciting their participation based on the relationship that has been built. 94% of people asked to contribute do it, according to the CCS Feasibility and Planning Studies, 2011-2022.

🏅Recognizing and rewarding donors' contributions.

🎁 Retaining and growing donor relationships, encouraging long-term support and advocacy.

💍Engaged. Now, repeat!

Donor Engagement Plan

Start by identifying your donor segments and tailoring digital communication strategies to each group's preferences. Use digital memberships, mobile apps, SMS marketing, member portals, guest pass referrals, and loyalty programs to create a dynamic, personalized engagement experience. These tools can streamline operations, enhance donor interactions, and boost retention rates. Check out this simple donor engagement plan template and pave the path toward growth.

Part 1 of a donor engagement plan template
Part 2 of a donor engagement plan template

Six digital solutions, endless ways to boost donor engagement and transform your approach. From digital memberships and mobile interaction to SMS marketing and member portals, these strategies offer exciting, effective ways to connect with your supporters. The best part is, Cuseum is here to help out every step of the way! Let's create a dynamic, engaging experience that keeps your donors invested and enthusiastic about your mission. Get started now.

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