Now Live: 3 New SMS Features for Digital Membership!

3 New SMS Features for Digital Membership

Digital membership just got a whole lot better. At Cuseum, we are always striving to streamline your membership services at every level – so we are delighted to announce the arrival of three brand new features to help drive member engagement. Now, you can use our SMS Text Message tool to send text messages directly to members, distribute Digital Membership Cards, and deliver Membership Renewal Reminders!

By combining the convenience of digital membership cards with the real-time communication capabilities of SMS messaging, we have made it easier than ever to engage, inspire, and retain members.

With the latest upgrades, you can now use our SMS Text Messaging tool to:

Distribute Digital Membership Cards

SMS Digital Membership Card Distribution

In our mobile-first world, instant gratification is key, and traditional methods of member engagement are being replaced by more streamlined, instantly-accessible features. Why wait for an email when you could have value delivered to your fingertips instantly? With email open rates at a dismal 17%, more and more museums and cultural institutions are turning to alternative channels like SMS Text Messaging, which have an eye-popping open rate of 99%!

With Cuseum’s brand new Delivery of Digital Membership Card via SMS feature, you can now:

  • Expand your reach: with enhanced access to your constituent network, you’ll have broader coverage of channels to reach your members, visitors, and supporters.

  • Improve inclusivity: SMS distribution enhances accessibility and is a perfect solution for connecting with those who are less-active email users, like Senior Citizens.

  • Deepen member relationships: 75% of consumers actually prefer to receive promotions via text message, making SMS an indispensable tool for improving member experience and loyalty.

In today’s day and age, it has never been more important to prioritize swift, seamless, and engaging modes of communication and connection with your constituents. With Cuseum’s new SMS distribution for Digital Membership cards, you can increase adoption rates by giving your members the gift of instant, mobile accessibility and an overall more convenient member experience.

Send Text Message Campaigns

SMS Text Message Campaigns

The diminishing efficacy of traditional channels of communication means it has never been more important to diversify the ways you connect with your members: In our hyper-competitive attention economy, users are bombarded with emails – over 85% of which are spam! – and as a result, email open rates have dwindled. This can profoundly limit your ability to keep members up-to-date and engaged, especially when compared to alternative channels like SMS Text Messaging.

The modernized, targeted, real-time communication power of Cuseum’s SMS Text Messaging for Digital Membership Cards now allows you to:

  • Send announcements: Ensure your members are aware of new exhibitions, programs, and events, as well as time-sensitive updates like changes in hours. 

  • Customize communication: Deliver personalized messages, invitations, and reminders to individual members and membership segments.

  • Drive value: Capture attention and deepen engagement by promoting your membership benefits, discounts, and reciprocal program to the fullest.

Moreover, consumers appreciate these short and sweet messages — according to one study, over 70% of mobile users feel that push notifications are useful!

There are many components to designing a winning constituent engagement strategy, but chief among them is finding ways to cut through the digital clutter and reach your members. SMS Text Messages are concise and attention-grabbing, and when used in conjunction with Digital Membership Cards, they’re an integral part of a robust member relationship.

Deliver Renewal Messages… Automatically!

SMS membership renewal reminder

Membership renewal is critical for museums and cultural organizations, but prompting constituent self-renewal can be tricky in practice. 

When encouraging your constituents to renew their memberships, timing is everything. When you’re approaching a members’ renewal anniversary, prompting them with a renewal reminder is an obvious way to remind them to renew.

However, if you notify members too far in advance, they won’t take action – if you wait too long, they may not have enough time to act, resulting in a lapsed membership. With email campaigns and direct mail, it can be difficult to get the timing right. Additionally, with plummeting email open rates, it’s hard to be sure whether your messages are even getting through at all. 

That’s where Automated SMS Renewal Messaging comes in. Rather than sending reminder emails that may end up ignored or in a spam folder, our system allows you to:

  • Send multiple touches through SMS: Remind your customers they’re up for renewal, notify them of an expiring membership, or prompt them to act on a lapsed membership

  • Include your renewal link in the message: Members will be redirected to your renewal site to take instant action 

  • Segment messaging through SMS:  Segment and personalize messaging based on member level, by zip code, or even by name

With 95% of SMS texts opened within 3 minutes of delivery, our automatic renewal solution is designed to help you reach your members at precisely the right time to maximize renewals and encourage future engagement and loyalty.

Here at Cuseum, we are committed to helping organizations solve modern communication problems and pushing the envelope of the traditional member experience. With our new SMS Automatic Renewal Messaging tool, it has never been easier to stay connected with your members, deliver resources and benefits, drive engagement, and cultivate long-term satisfaction and loyalty. Schedule a demo today!

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