Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden Goes Green with new Digital Membership Cards


We’re proud to announce that the Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden has launched their new digital membership cards! With a stunning botanic garden focused on conserving tropical plants, it makes sense that they would want to switch to an environmentally friendly option for their members.

The Fairchild puts a heavy interest in preserving plants from over 20 countries with their unique field expeditions, which contributes to the world’s largest collection of palms and cyclads. They then use the research from this collection to reach out to over 150,000 students through their education program! And they’re not stopping there...

The Fairchild has a large support network of members to enhance its vision. Now that over 45,000 members have these new digital management cards, their membership program has never been more convenient for members  or greener for the garden. We are happy to support the Fairchild and their community through these digital management cards!

Interested in learning how digital membership cards can benefit your organization? Schedule a free consultation with a Cuseum expert today!  

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