Webinar - Engagement - NFT Think Tank (1).png

In the past few weeks, we’ve seen an unprecedented wave of media buzz around “NFTs,” a.k.a non-fungible-tokens. In light of these headlines and hype, today there are more questions, concerns, and unknowns than there are answers about the ways in which NFTs may impact museums. While recent news has begun to illuminate the potential applications of NFTs in arts and culture, this technology also comes with a number of environmental repercussions and other obstacles that must be explored.

Join Brendan Ciecko (CEO @ Cuseum), Mark Sabb (Senior Director of Innovation, Marketing & Engagement @ Museum of the African Diaspora), Holly Shen (Cultural Producer + Former Deputy Director @ San Jose Museum of Art) & Clara Blume (Head of Open Austria Art + Tech Lab @ Open Austria) for a webinar conversation about NFTs and their potential impact on museums. This discussion will bring together various perspectives from the museum, art, and technology sectors to unpack the topic of NFTs, discuss concerns, and share ideas about the potential implications and opportunities for cultural organizations. We’re still only beginning to understand how NFTs may impact museums - join us for an educational conversation with the main goal of helping prepare us all as this topic evolves.

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