
With beacons (also referred to as iBeacon), you can trigger notifications that appear on the visitor's phone as they wander around your venue. Your visitors will appreciate the convenience as it's like having their own "digital" docent in the palm of their hand. Read on to learn more about the most common use cases used by museums!

Tour Highlights

Tour Highlights
Your museum is full of precious highlights - make it easy for your visitors to dive deeper. Display special notifications on your visitor's phone right as they walk up to any of your most popular points-of-interest.


Provide your visitors with comfort and confidence by guiding them from place to place. You can now trigger special directions that help direct your visitors around the museum.

Drive revenue & ROI

Here's a few common examples:

Beacons for Museum Cafe

Visitors walk by the cafe:
Entice with special promotions.

Beacons for Museum Store

Visitors enter the store:
Offer discounts on sale items.

Beacons for Museum Membership

Visitors passes through the exit:
Invite them to become a member.

Cuseum works with any major beacons on the market, but has special partnership to ensure the best experience for you and your visitors. Cuseum is a proud software partner of Estimote & Kontakt.

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