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Powering Digital Transformation at Anne Springs Close Greenway: A Success Story

Anne Springs Close Greenway, a popular nature preserve in Fort Mill, South Carolina, has experienced a surge in memberships over the recent years, more so during the pandemic as outdoor activities gained a newfound appeal. But what set the stage for their success was being ready. The Greenway’s key readiness strategy? Leveraging technology to streamline their membership process.

One crucial step was the Greenway's partnership with Cuseum to introduce Digital Membership Cards, which revolutionized their membership process, reducing costs and enhancing user experience with digital membership cards.

Before partnering with Cuseum, the Greenway had been utilizing traditional membership cards, a process that proved not only costly but also required significant human resources. Elizabeth Bowers, the Advancement and Communications Director, explains, “We transitioned to the digital membership card and have been in that space ever since.” According to industry estimates, this innovative switch has saved the Greenway a whopping $90,000 annually in membership-related costs, and nearly 8,100 hours in staff time over 3½ years.

→ Want to know what your return on investment could be by using digital membership cards? CLICK HERE to check out our ROI calculator to see how much you could save!

Cuseum's digital membership cards, which can be accessed via Apple Wallet, Google Wallet, and other mobile wallet apps, were embraced by the majority of members. Moreover, it facilitated an entirely paperless transition for membership renewals, statements, and reminders, further promoting environmental sustainability by offsetting 1,498 pounds of carbon dioxide due to reduced paper waste.

The success story of the Anne Springs Close Greenway shines a spotlight on Cuseum's role in powering digital transformation in membership processes, demonstrating the power of Digital Membership to streamline operations, reduce costs, and enhance member experience, all crucial elements in the Greenway's exceptional growth.

The Greenway's 110% increase in memberships in just three years underscores the significance of purpose-built technology in supporting non-profits' growth. Cuseum continues to empower organizations like Anne Springs Close Greenway, turning challenges into opportunities and setting the stage for continued success.

To learn more about their remarkable achievements and find out how your organization can also benefit from embracing digital transformation, check out customer spotlight from Cuseum partner Blackbaud. Click below to download your free copy!

Further Reading: