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Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art Launches New Mobile App

Cuseum extends a warm welcome to our newest partner Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art!

Here’s the official announcement from the museum:

Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art announces a new museum app that can be downloaded to your personal cell phone or utilized as a mobile app through the Museum’s free wifi. Developed in partnership with Cuseum (Boston, MA), Kemper Museum App is a new mobile app designed to offer self-guided tours of exhibitions and Kemper Museum Permanent Collection highlights that will enhance the visitor experience through the addition of video content and custom features to encourage user engagement.

“The beautifully designed new app continues our expansion of Kemper Museum’s digital presence, making us more accessible than ever,” said Kemper Museum’s Executive Director Barbara O’Brien. “This app allows Museum visitors to engage on multiple levels with our programs, exhibitions, collection, and other related content.” she added.

Kemper Museum App features:

  • Self-guiding tours for special exhibitions
  • Short videos that enable visitors to watch interviews with artists while simultaneously viewing their works of art
  • Revised and updated Detail pages, which now incorporate high-quality images of the works of art and informative content about each work
  • Easy and efficient donation pages
  • Membership pages
  • An app logo, which is showcased on wall labels in galleries next to works of art featured on the app
  • Integration with social media platforms
  • Location responsive navigation

The free app, titled The Kemper, is available at